Amalgamated Union of App-Based Transporters of Nigeria
We are the Amalgamated Union of App-Based Transporters of Nigeria ( AUATON) an organized registered trade union under the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Ministry of Labor, Employment and Productivity, we are an affiliate member of Nigeria Labor Congress (NLC).
Our objectives are to defend the overall interest and welfare of our members. We are organized to promote members' economic well-being, safety, and security of all platform workers.
Our membership coverage is estimated between one hundred thousand to over two hundred thousand across Nigeria. Furthermore, our coverage includes e-hailing or online transport drivers, app-based bike and bicycle food delivery and courier delivery workers (dispatch), app-based bike passenger workers, and app-based bus passenger workers in the online sub-sector of the transportation industry across Nigeria.

Let’s explore local services, Schemes & initiatives.
We are the voice through which App-Based Transport workers speaks and ensures they are heard and supported adequately.
We provide support to the needs of our members through various scheme that make their work and life better.
We fight against misclasification of platform workers, exploitation, poor welfare conditions, unfair dismissals, unjust deactivation and foster unity, promote dialog and legislation and justice.
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