Amalgamated Union of App-Based Transporters of Nigeria

We are the Amalgamated Union of App-Based Transporters of Nigeria ( AUATON) an organized registered trade union under the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Ministry of Labor, Employment and Productivity, we are an affiliate member of Nigeria Labor Congress (NLC).

Our objectives are to defend the overall interest and welfare of our members. We are organized to promote members' economic well-being, safety, and security of all platform workers.

Our membership coverage is estimated between one hundred thousand to over two hundred thousand across Nigeria. Furthermore, our coverage includes e-hailing or online transport drivers, app-based bike and bicycle food delivery and courier delivery workers (dispatch), app-based bike passenger workers, and app-based bus passenger workers in the online sub-sector of the transportation industry across Nigeria.

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Our History

Dated back to 2008 during the early days of rebranded urban taxi and cab transportation experience, the introduction of unbranded taxis and cabs like RedCab, Yellow Taxi in Lagos, green taxi in Abuja, and other branded taxis in a different states of Nigeria was the main taxi service earlier, Branded Metro-Taxi introduced the first modernized metered taxi(managed by Philly and mools group) service to Lagos in 2009, subsequently, Easy Taxi introduce the first online passenger booking taxi in 2011 to change the dynamism of traditional hailing taxi transportation system in Nigeria, particularly in Lagos.

Mission Statement

It is the mission of AUATWON to promote, defend and advance platform workers’ rights to union, to defend their interest, and improve their welfare. Our mandate is to achieve this through collective power of unity, collective bargaining and as well as industrial actions, while contributing to research knowledge and understanding that will inform policy both locally and internationally on how the app based transport system can be improved.

Our Vision

It is the vision of AUATON to, as closely as possible, achieve an app-based transport system that is free of injustice and oppression, and ensures the safety of workers.

Our Core Values

Justice and Service to our Communities
Solidarity and Responsibility
Respect for Human Dignity